Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm not really dreaming of a white Christmas.

Texas weather. It's what's keeping me young, blogsphere. This morning I woke up to two children frolicking about my room; shouting many 'Oh-my-God's' and 'SNOW! ALLISON, SNOW's'. As I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, my sister practically ripped the shutters from my wall to prove her point. A good half an inch covered the suburban street. Who'd ever thunk it? Eighty degrees one day and snow the next. Incredible.

So now I lie here in bed at midnight on Christmas. A white Christmas, might I add, when I realized something.

I finally get to cross something off my bucket list.

I know what you're thinking, blogsphere. A fifteen-year-old girl with a bucket list? No, I'm not Queen Latifa with one week to live, though that would make a fantastic story. I just have this bucket list of things I absolutely must experience before I die. So my lovely white Christmas? Check.

Even if it's all melted by tomorrow morning, I'm okay. Half an inch of snow is good enough for me.

After I experienced the awesome feeling of accomplishment, I thought I'd keep my awesomeness going. Guess what another thing on my bucket list was?

Write a blog, even if I'm the only one who reads it.


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