Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yes we cane!/Breaking and entering.

Why hello there, Nobody! I'm in a particularly chipper mood today for 3 reasons:
1. I have $75 worth of iTunes giftcards sitting on the counter in my kitchen. Can you say score?
2. I've been watching Glee. All day. And I must say, that Cory Monteith is adorable. Favorite quote: "Plus, Rachel has a smokin' bod. You know, if you're not into boobs." Love love love.
3. How 'bout them Cowboys? A little fun fact for you, Nobody: my family and I have decided I am the good luck charm of our beloved football team. I've never watched a full game and seen them lose. Also, the new kicker is a cutie!

Today I finally decided to get off my rapidly-growing ass and actually go for a run. You see, I used to be an amazing runner. I mean, I'm no Olympian, but I could run like no other! Anyway, I got all my gear on and stepped outside, blasting "Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear into my (soon to be deaf) ears. About a mile into my feel-good run, gravity got the best of me and I fell flat on my face.

Now, I know what you're thinking, Nobody. Who the hell cares? Everyone falls. No one saw it. You're fine, Allison! Blast that "Baba O'Riley" and run your chubby heart out!

But you see, Nobody, people did see. And as we all know, the oh-so freakin' friendly people of Suburbia just had to come help my wounded, humilated self. And this is kind of how it went:

Freakin' Friendly 1: Oh my God! Are you okay, sweetie? You took quite the tumble! (A/N: Don'tcha just hate the word 'tumble'? It just makes me think of that fat black chick on YouTube.)
Me: Oh, I'm fine, thank you.
FF2: You don't look fine! Oh, jeez, your elbow is bleeding!
Me: No, really. I'm fine. I'll just go run ho-
FF1+2: Oh, sweetie, let us walk you home!
(At this point, my 'Stranger Danger' sirens were flailing off in my head. Don't do it, Allison!)
Me: Uh, okay...
(Okay, I didn't know what to do. I'm a very awkward person. I'm not good at rejections. Just ask my sixth-grade boyfriend, Stale. Yeah, his name was Stale.)
*Walk walk walk...they were talking about some cat they used to own. I just nodded and smiled.*
Me: Um, here's my house.
(LIES. It was actually some random house, but I couldn't walk for another 3 blocks with the Freaky Friendlies.)
FF1+2: Okay, dear! It was nice talking to you!
(At this point I slowly walked up to my steps, thinking they would leave. Guess what? That's right, the Freakies waited for me to get to the door. Therefore I pretended to jiggle the doorknob.)
Me: Oh, man! It's locked. You know, I'll just walk around to the back...
FF1: Oh no! We'll walk with-
(I jiggled too hard. Door opened. F. M. L.)
Me: Oh! It opened! *Nervous laugh* Okay bye!
FF: *Walk away as I keep the door opened until they leave.*

I'm not kidding. I don't know where the hell that poor family was, but I broke into their flipping house.

I'm not going running for a while.

LISTENING TO: Mercy - OneRepublic.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm not really dreaming of a white Christmas.

Texas weather. It's what's keeping me young, blogsphere. This morning I woke up to two children frolicking about my room; shouting many 'Oh-my-God's' and 'SNOW! ALLISON, SNOW's'. As I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, my sister practically ripped the shutters from my wall to prove her point. A good half an inch covered the suburban street. Who'd ever thunk it? Eighty degrees one day and snow the next. Incredible.

So now I lie here in bed at midnight on Christmas. A white Christmas, might I add, when I realized something.

I finally get to cross something off my bucket list.

I know what you're thinking, blogsphere. A fifteen-year-old girl with a bucket list? No, I'm not Queen Latifa with one week to live, though that would make a fantastic story. I just have this bucket list of things I absolutely must experience before I die. So my lovely white Christmas? Check.

Even if it's all melted by tomorrow morning, I'm okay. Half an inch of snow is good enough for me.

After I experienced the awesome feeling of accomplishment, I thought I'd keep my awesomeness going. Guess what another thing on my bucket list was?

Write a blog, even if I'm the only one who reads it.
