Friday, January 8, 2010

Whee belong in this world togetha, wha's goin' on?

I've found some new obsessions, blogosphere:
1. British music. I love the accents and the funky beats and the...I'm out.
2. Season 2 of The Office. I swear, it's the best season out of 'em all. The Jim and Pammy goodness, Michael burning his foot on the Foreman Grill, Dwight's "Performance Review" dance? Gold.
3. Hayley G. Hoover. She's hilarious, I've pretty much cyberstalked her for the past week. Hayley, if you're reading this (which, you know, you're not), I kind of adore you.

I really have nothing else to say, but I'll tell you that you need to go listen to Lonelily by Damien Rice. Rinse and repeat.